About 6 months after we decided to get divorced, I was not doing well. At all. We had made the decision to no longer be married, however there had been no movement beyond that. I’m pretty sure I was emotionally paralyzed – unable to make any forward progress. During this time, I went in for a regular checkup with my doctor and when asked how I was doing, I fell apart. Thankfully, she didn’t have any patients scheduled after me and for the next hour, she gave me her undivided attention. She then decided it was best that I start taking an anti-anxiety medication.
Up to that point, I had never been on meds of any sort. I had always tried to approach healthcare in a more natural way but I was at the end of my rope. I filled the prescription and although it took a little time for the meds to kick in, I started to feel my nervous system start to regulate once again. Before the meds, I had been going through the motions of life. Wake up, log in to work, feed kids, walk dogs, get kid to school, etc… if it weren’t for my children and pets, I’m pretty sure I would have stayed in bed most days. I was depressed, scared and most of all, anxious about a life I had never planned for. IF I left my house and put on makeup, my hands would shake so terribly that I could hardly apply mascara without risking a serious eye injury. When I was in public, I would constantly look around to make sure I didn’t see anyone I knew. I used to compare my insides to a chihuahua in the middle of a snowstorm – shaky, nervous and scared of my own shadow. I had been barely functioning.
To be completely honest, I had to up my dose a couple of times. The first dose took the edge off however I still wasn’t functioning at my best and I was at a point when I had to figure out where I was going to live and what life was going to look like going forward. Once we determined the correct dose for me at that time, I was able to think more clearly and plan my next steps.
I feel like mental health (therapy and meds) can be a taboo topic however for me, they were my saving grace while trying to get through the most challenging time in my life and I want to highlight that on my journey, I needed help. I was able to finally start to process what was happening, which helped me to start accepting my new reality. And in accepting my new reality, I could start to think about the future without having an emotional meltdown at every single thought or conversation.
3 1/2 years later, I still try to approach healthcare naturally and am no longer on meds, however I am so grateful for the relief they provided when I was stuck and unable to function on my own. I have moved – a few times. I have driven between California and Arizona, dozens of times. I’ve learned that I’m strong and resilient and can stand on my own two feet, however it’s ok to not be superhuman. At that time in my life, accepting help was the biggest form of self-care and self-love.
XOXO ~ Steph
Donald Hunger
I feel your pain, I was in such a deep, dark hole. I couldn’t see my way out. I was a complete atheist. This is my journey out of that deep dark divorce hole!
A heart with a hole
And a partial soul
My body fled
My prayers were dead
A basket of soul
A flood of blood
A body’s deed
Is God’s seed
In a bowl of dust
Lies my lust
And In the reed
Hides greed
life’s lied
he’s crucified
A broken man
Needs a hand
Angel of death
Denied him wrath
Removed his rust
And gift him trust
A sudden twitch
Flips a switch
A friend is found
She lowers the ground
A friendly face
Cloaked with grace
He feels the Lord
His souls restored
Bury that old soul
In a deep hole
Walls so high
No choice but die
Past is clear
Surmount the fear
Change lust
regain trust
And in my face
The human race
The gift above
Is pure love
In a bucket of lust, rust, n dust
Is fertile blood to loosen the mud
with my face I see his grace
And now I know, God the race
Break the back of the beast inside
No longer will you need to hide
With a pure heart you will confide
And in time you will freely reside
So please, please, please don’t resign.
Lucifer’s skin is truly fair
Gift him God….And watch his snare.
Don’t dispair
Expail that devil’s air
I request in prayer
A perfect pear
And my will is no longer my affair
And the lamb is no longer mine to bear
When I lose my head
The Lord’s in my stead
When I die
God won’t cry.
Donald – thank you for sharing! In the middle of it, it seems like nothing will ever feel ok again. I’m happy to see you found your way through!
XOXO – Steph