Journey to the other side of my mountain
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Stephanie and I’m a 48 year old, divorced, mama to 3 amazing humans and 2 fur babies. 4 1/2 years ago, I would have never pictured my life as it is right now. It has been a roller coaster to say the least. LOTS of ups and downs but I’m FINALLY at a point that I feel truly thankful for the lessons I’ve learned along my journey.
A little history
A little bit about me… I got married when I was 23 and was married for 24 years. We had our first child (Savanna) 1 1/2 years after our wedding. Our 2nd child (Skyler) was born 22 months after Savanna and our third child (Samuel aka Sammy) was born almost 4 years after Skyler. Needless to say, life was busy and exciting with our growing family. Having spent many hours at playdates, school and extracurricular functions, with other like minded mamas, I know I’m not alone when I say that I was completely obsessed with these gorgeous souls. My world revolved around them, their accomplishments, their struggles and everything in between.
Prior to having children, I was not a young adult who was on a career path. I never knew what I wanted to be other than a mom and wife. Family was everything. Now don’t get me wrong. Family is still everything and I am beyond grateful for mine. However, in my obsession with loving my beautiful babies, I forgot to keep loving myself.
A move out of state highlighted this fact and it is shocking to me now (in hindsight) how little I had poured into me. My ex and I were at a get together and in meeting someone new and telling him about my amazing life, he asked, “and what do you do for you?”… This simple question stopped me in my tracks. I could not come up with a response. I had told him about each child and what they were up to, my ex, his job, how I was supporting him, however I came up empty when it came to speaking about me.
My hope
My goal with this blog is to inspire women to love and take care of themselves. I plan to share the beginning and ongoing journey towards self care and finding unconditional love for me in all aspects. I am extremely happy to say I have climbed my mountain and made it to the other side. There were many times during my marital struggles that I thought I would never be happy again. Picturing a different life than the one I had envisioned for 1/2 of my adult life felt impossible. However, I AM happy! Every morning I wake up and think of how much I have to be thankful for, including the lessons I’ve learned that were not always easy to accept.
Please join me as I share insights from the lessons I’ve learned and am continuing to learn.
Cheers to building a community of women learning to love themselves and build each other up in the process!
Take care of you – XOXO